How to achieve revision success!

What are our top tips?

Create a study space:

If possible, separate the area you intend to be used for study from that in which is used to relax with ‘entertainment gadgets’ out of sight whilst studying is taking place.

Introduce a routine:

This plan should be realistic and include all the subjects and areas covered by upcoming exams. Ensure that the plan gives enough time to revise properly as well as breaks for relaxation and flexible enough to allow for some things taking longer than expected.

Make notes:

Notes act as very useful prompts for your memory. Review these notes and summaries regularly. Read them out loud and test yourself on each area covered using past exam papers.

Practice self-care:

Rest, relaxation and socialisation are very important elements of the revision programme. ‘Overdoing’ it is counter productive, and students will perform much better after a good night’s sleep.

Why are study routines so important?

Astable study routine will not only help students to stay on schedule with their learning and homework, but will also help to establish a sense of security and build healthy educational habits.

Studying routines also:

  1. Provide a sense of security and stability by helping children understand everyday events and procedures, as well as what is expected of them.

  2. Establish expectations to understand what comes next, meaning children can complete everyday activities without issues or questions.

  3. Give children confidence and independence as they will take great pride in knowing what they’re supposed to do and start to feel in charge of themselves.

  4. Build healthy habits and become be much more likely to keep up the habits they’ve already built.

  5. Bond the family together, as when a child knows what to expect and notices regular family activities, they start to understand what’s important. For example, your child may notice that having dinner at the table every night together as a family is significant and can see that family time is special.


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