The importance of routines

Why Routines Are So Helpful For Children

From morning routines to bedtime routines, using everyday rituals and structure can help families stay on schedule and establish a sense of normality. For children, having predictable routines not only helps them get things done but also gives them a sense of security. Often change or the fear of the unknown can be stressful for children, so establishing a ‘normal’ everyday routine can bring comfort and consistency.

Here’s why routines are great for children and how introducing daily structure can help them build great habits and also let them know what’s important to your family.

Provides A Sense Of Security And Stability

Routines are absolutely essential for children when it comes to them feeling safe and secure in their environment. They can also really help them understand everyday events and procedures, as well as what is expected of them. Whether this is them brushing their teeth every morning and night, getting dressed, and then having breakfast or doing homework after dinner, it helps make their environment more stable and predictable.

Establishes Expectations i.e. Modelling the Habits You Want Them to Have

Having a routine really helps establish the expectations you have for your child. In fact, kids can quickly start to know what to expect and what comes next, meaning they complete everyday activities without issues or questions. This could be them learning to pick up their toys at the end of each day or knowing what time bedtime is. As parents, you soon become a partner in the daily routine rather than someone telling them what to do, which can also help create a much calmer and relaxed household. Never underestimate the power of children learning from their immediate environment and caregivers. Most of their life learning comes from these outside influences.

Gives Children Confidence And Independence

With a routine, children will gradually learn what to do over time, such as when it’s time to brush their teeth or get ready for school. Usually they will take great pride in knowing what they’re supposed to do and doing it by themselves. In fact, using routines can really build up your child’s confidence levels as they start to feel in charge of themselves, which can also help them feel more independent and grown up.

Builds Up Healthy Habits and OUR EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS

From brushing teeth regularly to completing homework every day, routines are an excellent way to help children establish constructive and healthy habits that go hand in hand with key executive function skills such as:


Time management

Planning and Prioritisation

Task initiation

and many more....

As kids get older, they will also be much more likely to keep up the habits they’ve already built, which can go a long way with teenagers!

Bonds The Family Together

When a child knows what to expect and notices regular family activities, they start to understand what’s important. For example, your child may notice that having dinner at the table every night together as a family is significant and can see that family time is special. Having these family routines can also really help bond everyone together and strengthen shared values, beliefs and interests.

But remember... it is okay if getting into the habit of routines takes time, trial and error, and obstacles to overcome. Learning new habits and behaviours always takes time and effort so remember the other key EF skill of flexibility when trying to instill these changes to your daily life.


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