ADHD awareness

October is ADHD awareness month! So what are some important things we should know about this increasingly common but misunderstood neurodiversity?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a chronic condition that affects many people (129 million school age children globally) and affects ALL areas of their lives, with the challenges persisting into adulthood.

How does it show up?

In lots of ways! No two ADHD people are the same, and there are subtypes within the condition.

But some common traits can include:

  • distraction

  • hyper-fixation

  • dips in energy

  • trouble with sleep

  • impulsivity

  • unable to stick to tasks

How can we support those with ADHD?

1. Understand executive functions

All people will struggle with their ability to get things done and regulate

their behaviour. By understanding our EFs and the challenges we

face, we will be more understanding of others, and those with ADHD.

2. Learn about the signs and symptoms

As above, ADHD shows up in many different ways. Ongoing learning

about the traits will deepen your understanding and debunk


3. Be patient

It is easy to get frustrated with those who have ADHD, especially if you’re neurotypical and find things easier. But this can exacerbate ADHD symptoms by making those with the condition feel shame and low self-esteem, meaning they’re less likely to try to improve their situation, believing they’re doomed to failure.

Remember: there is NO EVIDENCE that shame and punishment work in motivating a person.

Instead: celebrate small wins and effort!


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