First term reflections

As the Autumn term draws to an end, reflecting on the first term back at school, college, university or work can be very useful. If you feel that you want to take more control over the rest of this year, here are some tried and tested tips to help you:


This a great way to evaluate your performance with a growth mindset approach. It reinforces the things that have gone well, and highlights without shame the things that could improve.

2. Break these down into tangible goals

  • What action steps will get you to your goals? E.g. If your aim is to feel ‘prepared’ and ‘relaxed’ for summer exams is a goal, what can you do now to create this?

  • Starting small is key: an action step could be as simple as developing a check-list system for topics you need to cover this term, or start preparations for revision by making two flashcards on Saturdays summarising that week's learnings - this will lighten the load for next year.

3. Find motivation

Motivation has been scientifically proven to be essential to achieving any goal. Reflect on:

  • What is the motivation behind your goals?

  • Why do they matter to you?

Get really specific. Reflect on whether this is a goal that has been given to you, or one you truly want for yourself.

4. Work on consistency

  • Remember: baby steps add up over time

  • Our neural pathways prefer a ‘little and often’ approach spread over time, rather than being crammed with information last minute.

5. Dream big, focus small

  • Don’t let the bigger picture or how far you have to go get in the way of the here and now

  • Set your goals, break them down, start the journey.


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